Our Organisers

Singapore Academy of Law

The Singapore Academy of Law (SAL) is a promotion and development agency for Singapore’s legal industry. It is a body set up by statute. SAL is led by a Senate headed by Chief Justice Sundaresh Menon, and comprising the Attorney-General, the Supreme Court Bench and key leaders of the various branches of the legal profession. SAL works with our stakeholders from the Bench, Bar, Academia and Industry to set new precedents of excellence in Singapore law through developing thought leadership, world class infrastructure and legal solutions. SAL’s initiatives cover the full spectrum from Singapore Law Watch (a digital legal news daily) to Lawnet (a legal knowledge and research platform). Our legal publishing portfolio and and legal education programmes actively initiate and support thought leadership and sustained engagement with the law of technology and the technology of law. Current initiatives by SAL on the technology of law front include the Legal Technology Vision, the Future Law Innovation Programme and the LIFTED Technology Framework.

Website: www.sal.org.sg/

Ministry of Law

The mission of the Singapore Ministry of Law (MinLaw) is to advance access to justice, the rule of law, the economy and society through policy, law and services.

MinLaw drives legal reforms, oversees the policy for development, promotion and regulation of Singapore’s legal sector, and advances Singapore’s national interests through international legal policy and cooperation.

In addition, MinLaw regulates moneylending and pawnbroking, licences law practices, registers foreign-qualified legal practitioners, supervises precious stones and metal dealers, and provides community legal services such as legal aid, community mediation, insolvency administration, and public trustee services.

MinLaw also oversees land policy and administration, and the development of Singapore’s intellectual property sector supported by its statutory boards.

Website: www.mlaw.gov.sg//