
Ms Jessica-Seah
Ms Jessica Seah
Asia Editor
Law.com International

Main Stage Speaker

Jessica Seah is Law.com International’s Asia Editor. She writes about the business of law, lawyers, in-house legal departments, and legal and regulatory issues throughout the Asia region.

Drawing on more 15 years of experience and vantage point working across different strategic capacities in legal publications and private practice law firms, Jessica is a prominent legal commentator best known for her astute review of the Asia legal market via her biweekly column, the Asia Legal Briefing.

She analyses economic growth and contraction and explores geopolitical risks and impact on law firm business. She investigates legal business resilience and also writes about workplace culture at law firms. Jessica aims to help global law firms understand and navigate the dynamism and nuances of the Asia legal market. At the core of her approach to journalism, she strives to offer a fair and balanced perspective.

Jessica has spent the last 15 years working in Sydney, Hong Kong, and London. She is currently based in Singapore.